A CHP consultation – the first step to your CHP

BHKW Beratung – der erste Schritt zum BHKW

What is a CHP consultation? What will you need to be aware of and which information should you prepare in advance?

CHP – yes or no? A consultation will give you clarity

Anfangs stecken vor der Entscheidung zur Installation eines Blockheizkraftwerks (BHKW) viel Recherche und vielleicht sogar eigene (grobe) Berechnungen. Schließlich soll diese große Investition auch die größtmöglichen Energieeinsparungen bringen. Doch ab einem bestimmten Punkt reichen eigene Recherchen nicht mehr aus. Dann benötigen Sie eine erste BHKW-Beratung und Einschätzungen von Fachleuten. Für eine gute Wirtschaftlichkeitsberechnung müssen verschiedene Positionen, abgesehen vom Wärme und Stromverbrauch, beachtet werden.

Before even asking for a quote, get expert advice right at the start and check whether the building at your location is also CHP suitable.

Guidelines for your initial CHP consultation – have this information at hand

In einem ersten Gespräch verschaffen sich die Fachleute einen Überblick über die Gegebenheiten bei Ihnen vor Ort. Gemeinsamen erörtert der BHKW-Berater verschiedene Aspekte mit Ihnen. Diese sind für die anschließende Wirtschaftlichkeitsberechnung notwendig.

You should have this information ready for your consultation:

  • Your annual heat consumption - this must be sufficiently high and, wherever possible, consistently high throughout the year
  • Your annual electricity consumption - at best, at the same level throughout the year
  • Information on hot water and the hot water tank – do you both available?

There may be some additional information required during your initial consultation which, as shown below, may also be very technical. If you are unable to provide answers, a site-visit to your property may be necessary:

  • The CHP’s potential onsite location - what are the conditions there like? Can the CHP be installed inside or outside the building?
  • Heating and hot water pipes – can these be easily connected?
  • Schallschutz – muss ein zusätzlicher Schallschutz angebracht werden, um die Geräusche des BHKW zu dämmen?
  • Conversion work - do any structural measures have to be carried out at onsite to install the CHP unit?

Your electricity consumption and the total amount of heat will, of course, play a decisive role in planning your CHP. That’s why it is very important to conduct an economic feasibility study prior to deciding on a CHP unit. These questions will need answering: Will a CHP benefit your company or your residential project? How quickly will it pay for itself? We’ll also discuss some additional factors that may influence the building’s amortisation before calculating it. This will ultimately help decide whether or not a CHP unit is an option for your company.

Our CHP consultation – your CHP benefits

As a CHP service provider for the commercial and large-scale real estate sector, sense electra naturally offers its clients consultations. Simply submit a CHP inquiry, and we’ll prepare an amortisation calculation and take a close look at the circumstances onsite. After all, we want the best possible result and satisfied clients. If you opt for our contracting services, we’ll also take care of your CHP unit’s planning, professional installation, and maintenance services.

We’re glad to offer you these advantages from our CHP consultation service well as our services in planning and installing your CHP:

  • We’ll send you an offer with no obligation and offer you a free initial consultation.

  • We use suitable cogeneration units from different manufacturers.

  • We offer various implementation options: you can rent-a-CHP, buy-a-CHP, or choose CHP full service.

  • We are a team of experienced CHP specialists who operate throughout Germany and the UK.

What happens after the consultation?

After receiving your inquiry and giving you an initial technical consultation, when we collect the information required to generate an effective profitability calculation, we’ll send you a written forecast. Based on this, you decide whether or not you want to have a combined heat and power plant installed at your site.

We offer our business customers three different services for installing a CHP heating system : CHP purchase, CHP rent, or the full CHP package. We’ll also take care of the planning and, finally, install and commission the CHP unit.

  1. CHP forecast – to let you know how your property will benefit from a CHP.

  2. Implementation: CHP planning and installation – you choose the CHP option that suits you best. We’ll then start implementing your project and accompany you until commissioning.

  3. Further services: We offer connection services with favourable energy prices, as well as maintenance and insurance services.

Have we made you curious for more? Then take a look at our CHP services .

Thermostatkopfventil für Heizungsprojekt

If you have any questions

about our free CHP consultation services, our energy experts look forward to helping you.

    submit a CHP inquiry

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