CHP subsidies

Erfahren Sie hier, welche aktuellen Förderungen es für Blockheizkraftwerke gibt. Diese Unterstützung ist besonders für Industrie- und Gewerbekunden interessant.

Informationen zu möglicher BHKW-Förderung & Finanzierung

In dieser Übersicht haben wir die unterschiedlichen Arten der BHKW-Förderung aufgelistet. Erfahren Sie, welche gesetzlichen Gegebenheiten Sie berücksichtigen müssen und welche Möglichkeiten Ihnen zur Finanzierung Ihres Blockheizkraftwerks zur Verfügung stehen.
Darüber hinaus gibt es noch weitere Förderungsmöglichkeiten für den Privatsektor. Teilweise überschneiden sich die Förderungen für Unternehmen und für den privaten Bereich auch.
Bei den unterschiedlichen Möglichkeiten zur Förderung ist es entscheidend, was für eine Art Anlage Sie verwenden und welchen Brennstoff Sie nutzen.
NB: Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit dieser Angaben. Wir bemühen uns, die Angaben zu Förderungen und Förderhöhen stets aktuell zu halten. Zur Überprüfung haben wir entsprechende Links für Sie bereitgestellt.

Funding possibilities

CHP subsidies - remuneration through the Renewable Energies Act (EEG)

The purpose of the Renewable Energies Act (EEG) is to increase the share of renewable energies in the German electricity supply. Among other things, it determines the remuneration paid to unit operators for the electricity generated from renewable sources. The Renewable Energies Act (EEG) offers subsidies for CHPs.

Paying a reduced levy for renewable energies

Wer gleichzeitig Stromerzeuger und –verbraucher einer hocheffizienten KWK-Anlage ist, zahlt nur eine reduzierte EEG-Umlage von 40 % (§ 61c EEG). Dabei muss ein Jahresnutzungsgrad von 70 % bzw. ein Monatsnutzungsgrad von 70 % erreicht werden.

These utilisation rates do not have to be achieved if the CHP is operated by a company in an electricity cost or trade intensive sector, such as steel foundries, as defined in Annex 4 List 1 Renewable Energies Act/EEG. This is particularly significant for electricity-intensive companies, and the subsidy is actually more of a tax concession.

Paying a reduced levy for renewable energies

Wer gleichzeitig Stromerzeuger und –verbraucher einer hocheffizienten KWK-Anlage ist, zahlt nur eine reduzierte EEG-Umlage von 40 % (§ 61c EEG). Dabei muss ein Jahresnutzungsgrad von 70 % bzw. ein Monatsnutzungsgrad von 70 % erreicht werden.

These utilisation rates do not have to be achieved if the CHP is operated by a company in an electricity cost or trade intensive sector, such as steel foundries, as defined in Annex 4 List 1 Renewable Energies Act/EEG. This is particularly significant for electricity-intensive companies, and the subsidy is actually more of a tax concession.

Electricity subsidy for CHP units using biomass

Biomass fuels are fuels made from plants and plant components, waste and by-products of plant and animal origin from agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, amongst other things.

Subsidy for electricity from biomass:

  • Up to and including 150 kilowatts is 12.8 cents/ kWh.*
  • The biomass used must be recognised as biomass in the Biomass Directive (see Section 42 Biomass Renewable Energies Act /EEG and Section 2 BiomasseV) to be eligible for subsidies. § 42 Biomasse EEG und § 2 BiomasseV), um förderungsfähig zu sein.
  • Other provisions for electricity from biomass in Section 44c Renewable Energies Act/EEG must be observed.

*Die Vergütung verringert sich für neu in Betrieb genommene Anlagen erstmals ab dem 01. Juli 2022 um 0,5 %. Die Verringerung der Vergütung erfolgt jährlich ab dem 1 Juli eines Kalenderjahres. Das bedeutet, die Stromvergütung ist abhängig vom Datum der Inbetriebnahme einer BHKW-Anlage.

Electricity subsidy for CHP units using biomass

Biomass fuels are fuels made from plants and plant components, waste and by-products of plant and animal origin from agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, amongst other things.

Subsidy for electricity from biomass:

  • Up to and including 150 kilowatts is 12.8 cents/ kWh.*
  • The biomass used must be recognised as biomass in the Biomass Directive (see Section 42 Biomass Renewable Energies Act /EEG and Section 2 BiomasseV) to be eligible for subsidies. § 42 Biomasse EEG und § 2 BiomasseV), um förderungsfähig zu sein.
  • Other provisions for electricity from biomass in Section 44c Renewable Energies Act/EEG must be observed.

*Die Vergütung verringert sich für neu in Betrieb genommene Anlagen erstmals ab dem 01. Juli 2022 um 0,5 %. Die Verringerung der Vergütung erfolgt jährlich ab dem 1 Juli eines Kalenderjahres. Das bedeutet, die Stromvergütung ist abhängig vom Datum der Inbetriebnahme einer BHKW-Anlage.

Electricity remuneration for biogas units

Biogas is used as fuel, e.g. bio methane. The electricity remuneration depends on how the biogas was produced.

Electricity remuneration from biogas:

- Up to and including 500 kilowatts: 14.3 cents/ kWh*.
- Up to and including 20 megawatts: 12.54 cents/ kWh*.

  • Condition for remuneration: the biogas was produced by the anaerobic fermentation of biomass with at least 90 mass percent bio-waste content. (For more information, see Section 43 Renewable Energies Act/EEG)

- Up to 150 kilowatts: 22.23 cents/ kWh*.

  • Condition for remuneration: among other things, the biogas is produced by the anaerobic fermentation of biomass, whereby the electricity must be produced at the site of the biogas unit and at least 80 mass percent of liquid manure is used in the biogas production. (For more information, see Section 44 Renewable Energies Act/EEG).

*Die Vergütung verringert sich für neu in Betrieb genommene Anlagen erstmals ab dem 01. Juli 2022 um 0,5 %. Die Verringerung der Vergütung erfolgt jährlich ab dem 1 Juli eines Kalenderjahres. Das bedeutet, die Stromvergütung ist abhängig vom Datum der Inbetriebnahme einer BHKW-Anlage.

Electricity remuneration for biogas units

Biogas is used as fuel, e.g. bio methane. The electricity remuneration depends on how the biogas was produced.

Electricity remuneration from biogas:

- Up to and including 500 kilowatts: 14.3 cents/ kWh*.
- Up to and including 20 megawatts: 12.54 cents/ kWh*.

  • Condition for remuneration: the biogas was produced by the anaerobic fermentation of biomass with at least 90 mass percent bio-waste content. (For more information, see Section 43 Renewable Energies Act/EEG)

- Up to 150 kilowatts: 22.23 cents/ kWh*.

  • Condition for remuneration: among other things, the biogas is produced by the anaerobic fermentation of biomass, whereby the electricity must be produced at the site of the biogas unit and at least 80 mass percent of liquid manure is used in the biogas production. (For more information, see Section 44 Renewable Energies Act/EEG).

*Die Vergütung verringert sich für neu in Betrieb genommene Anlagen erstmals ab dem 01. Juli 2022 um 0,5 %. Die Verringerung der Vergütung erfolgt jährlich ab dem 1 Juli eines Kalenderjahres. Das bedeutet, die Stromvergütung ist abhängig vom Datum der Inbetriebnahme einer BHKW-Anlage.

CHP subsidies - opportunities offered by the CHP Act (KWK-Gesetz)

The Combined Heat and Power Act (KWKG) from 2016 was partially amended by the Coal Phase-out Act in 2020, which led to a change in the remuneration. However, this is still waiting for ratification by the European Commission (as of February 2021).
If the amendments take effect, the new provisions and payments, as listed below, will apply retroactively from January 2020.

Payments per generated kilowatt-hour

Gefördert werden nur hocheffiziente Anlagen, die den Richtlinie 2012/27/EU vom 25.10.2012 (Energieeffizienzrichtlinie) entsprechen. Sie müssen mindestens 10 % Primärenergieeinsparung erzielen im Vergleich zur getrennten Erzeugung von Strom und Wärme.

The payment amount depends on various factors, including:

  • whether the CHP unit is used purely for self-supply or for feeding electricity into the grid
  • whether the company has high electricity costs
  • the unit’s electrical output
  • whether the CHP is new, modernised, or retrofitted

Payments if electricity is fed into the public grid*

Remuneration per kilowatt hour
Up to 50 kW 16 cents
50 kW – 100 kW 6 cents
100 kW – 250 kW 5 cents
250 kW – 2 MW 4.4 cents
over 2 MW new or modernised units over 2MW: 3.4 cents
retrofitted plant: 3.1 cents

* The specific payments amounts and the conditions for the CHP unit can be found in the CHP Act 2016 under Section 7 (

CHP subsidies: additional bonus payments

Smart CHP bonus for innovative cogeneration
Only for units larger than 10 megawatts electric (new or modernised). Depending on the minimum share of innovative, renewable heat, CHP operators can receive a bonus of 0.4 to 7.0 cents per kilowatt hour. This bonus is subject to further conditions (CHP Act 2016, Section 7a).Innovative heat includes solar thermal and heat pumps, among others.

Power-to-heat bonus
This bonus is paid for new and modernised units with an electrical output greater than 1 megawatt. In addition, the unit must receive a regular subsidy or a subsidy according to the standard tender. The bonus is a one-time payment of €70 per kilowatt of thermal output. The bonus may not apply to innovative CHP systems as well as modernized CHP plants(CHP Act 2016, § 7b paragraph 2).).

Coal replacement bonus
This bonus is paid for new units that replace old CHP units that formerly ran on hard coal and lignite. The new unit must feed into the same heating system as the former unit, but may be located at a different site. The new CHP unit must be commissioned twelve months before or after the old unit’s decommissioning. The bonus is paid once at the beginning of the subsidy period and depends on the date the new CHP unit is commissioned. It ranges from EUR 5 to EUR 390(CHP Act 2016, Section 7c).).

The previous southern bonus is longer available and has not been replaced
(CHP Act 2016, § 7d)).

CHP subsidies - tax relief

Application for tax concessions on energy tax

CHP operators can apply for full or partial tax relief on the energy tax paid on the fuel used in the cogeneration unit, as stipulated in Section 3 EnergieStG and Section 53a Tax Relief for the Combined Generation of Power and Heat.

When purchasing fuel for the CHP unit, CHP operators automatically pay the statutory energy tax, which is often not itemised on the fuel invoice.

Find further information on tax relief for CHP units and the application forms at the main customs office

Application for tax concessions on energy tax

CHP operators can apply for full or partial tax relief on the energy tax paid on the fuel used in the cogeneration unit, as stipulated in Section 3 EnergieStG and Section 53a Tax Relief for the Combined Generation of Power and Heat.

When purchasing fuel for the CHP unit, CHP operators automatically pay the statutory energy tax, which is often not itemised on the fuel invoice.

Find further information on tax relief for CHP units and the application forms at the main customs office

Exemption from electricity tax - according to Section 9 StromStG

Electricity tax amounts to 2.05 cents/ kWh. Operators of combined heat and power units with a capacity of up to 2 MW are not subject to electricity tax. Only the electricity that is consumed on site is exempt from electricity tax(Section 9 StromStG).).

Exemption from electricity tax - according to Section 9 StromStG

Electricity tax amounts to 2.05 cents/ kWh. Operators of combined heat and power units with a capacity of up to 2 MW are not subject to electricity tax. Only the electricity that is consumed on site is exempt from electricity tax(Section 9 StromStG).).

Remuneration for avoided grid charges (in Germany: VNNE)

Pursuant to Section 18 (1) sentence 1 StromNEV, operators of decentralised generation units receive remuneration from their distribution network operator for the grid fees avoided by their energy feed-ins.

This remuneration applies to non-volatile or controllable units, such as CHPs, commissioned before 1 January 2023.

No remuneration for avoided grid costs is paid to CHP units that

  • receive a subsidy according to Section 19 of the Renewable Energies Act (EEG)
  • receive remuneration pursuant to Section 6(4) sentence 1 of the CHP Act and Section 13(5) if the remuneration includes avoided network charges
  • receive support pursuant to Section 8a (1) of the CHP Act

Financial aid

BAFA (Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control) subsidies for CHPs

BAFA grants for CHPs: Electricity remuneration for cogeneration

The BAFA supports cogeneration units in the form of electricity subsidies. To be eligible for BAFA subsidies, the units must first be approved by the BAFA. Depending on the unit’s electrical output, the BAFA then pays the grid operator a certain sum per kilowatt hour generated for a certain period of time.

BAFA grants for CHPs: Electricity remuneration for cogeneration

The BAFA supports cogeneration units in the form of electricity subsidies. To be eligible for BAFA subsidies, the units must first be approved by the BAFA. Depending on the unit’s electrical output, the BAFA then pays the grid operator a certain sum per kilowatt hour generated for a certain period of time.

Federal funding for energy consulting for non-residential buildings, facilities and systems

Since 1 January 2021, the following funding opportunities provided by BAFA apply:

Federal funding for energy consulting for non-residential buildings, facilities and systems

Since 1 January 2021, the following funding opportunities provided by BAFA apply:

Subsidies from the DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)

Die DBU fördert lösungsorientierte Projekte zum Schutz der Umwelt mit Fokus auf KMU. Für Unternehmen und Vereine beträgt die Förderung meist 50 % der Projektausgaben. Für Hochschulen liegt die Förderung bei bis zu 100 % der Projektkosten.

The following funding guidelines of the DBU may be suitable depending on the type of project in relation to the construction of a CHP plant:

For an application to be approved and for a CHP to be eligible for funding by the DBU, certain measures must be always be observed. These can be found in the funding guidelines.

Further information on submitting applications

Reconstruction Loan Corporation (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau /KfW)

With the help of the Reconstruction Loan Corporation (KfW), it is financially easier to implement some energy-saving construction projects. The Reconstruction Loan Corporation (KfW) grants various loans or directly subsidises various steps to reduce energy companies’ costs.
The following loans can be considered for a CHP project:

  • What is subsidised?
    Among other things, units for electricity and heat generation, for grid networks and storage, including CHP units that are operated by solid biomass, biogas, or geothermal energy. In addition, the loan also supports contracting projects and renovations with increased output.
  • Who is eligible?
    Private individuals, private and public companies, and public institutions.
  • NB:
    CHP units can also simultaneously take advantage of the state subsidy in the form of the feed-in tariff.
  • What is subsidised?
    Among other things, units for electricity and heat generation, for grid networks and storage, including CHP units that are operated by solid biomass, biogas, or geothermal energy. In addition, the loan also supports contracting projects and renovations with increased output.
  • Who is eligible?
    Private individuals, private and public companies, and public institutions.
  • NB:
    CHP units can also simultaneously take advantage of the state subsidy in the form of the feed-in tariff.
  • What is subsidised?
    e.g. CHP units, heating networks operated by renewable energies
  • Who is eligible?
    Private persons, companies, public institutions
  • NB:
    The promotional loan can be combined with other public funding, but the aid limits set by the EU must be observed.
  • What is subsidised?
    e.g. CHP units, heating networks operated by renewable energies
  • Who is eligible?
    Private persons, companies, public institutions
  • NB:
    The promotional loan can be combined with other public funding, but the aid limits set by the EU must be observed.

Especially for commercial companies/businesses:

  • What is subsidised?
    Non-residential buildings used for commercial purposes in which, among other things, individual steps are taken to improve energy efficiency, such as by installing a combined heat, power and cooling system.
  • Who is eligible?
    Companies in the commercial sector, the majority of which are privately owned; freelancers. Funding is not available for rental properties.
  • NB:
    It can be combined with other public funding, but you cannot claim federal funding for the same measures.

Especially for commercial companies/businesses:

  • What is subsidised?
    Non-residential buildings used for commercial purposes in which, among other things, individual steps are taken to improve energy efficiency, such as by installing a combined heat, power and cooling system.
  • Who is eligible?
    Companies in the commercial sector, the majority of which are privately owned; freelancers. Funding is not available for rental properties.
  • NB:
    It can be combined with other public funding, but you cannot claim federal funding for the same measures.

Especially for commercial companies/businesses:

  • What is subsidised?
    Energy efficiency measures for production facilities, including investment measures for a CHP unit
  • Who is eligible?
    Companies, freelancers. Housing and property companies, among others, are excluded.
  • NB:
    This can be combined with other public subsidies if they do not exceed subsidy limits set by the EU. However, this funding cannot be combined with funding from the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) or the CHP Act (KWKG) for the same eligible costs.

Especially for commercial companies/businesses:

  • What is subsidised?
    Energy efficiency measures for production facilities, including investment measures for a CHP unit
  • Who is eligible?
    Companies, freelancers. Housing and property companies, among others, are excluded.
  • NB:
    This can be combined with other public subsidies if they do not exceed subsidy limits set by the EU. However, this funding cannot be combined with funding from the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) or the CHP Act (KWKG) for the same eligible costs.

Especially for housing and property companies:

  • What is subsidised?
    The initial purchase or new construction of an energy-efficient house that meets the ‘KfW Efficiency House’ standard and includes a combined heat and power unit, for example.
  • Who is eligible?
    Builders of residential properties, first-time buyers of residential properties, holiday homes/apartments, etc. are not eligible.
  • NB:
    This promotional loan from the Reconstruction Loan Corporation (KfW) is only applicable until 30/06/2021. After this date, applications for promotional loans and grants from must be sent to the Federal Funding for Efficient Buildings (BEG) scheme.

Especially for housing and property companies:

  • What is subsidised?
    The initial purchase or new construction of an energy-efficient house that meets the ‘KfW Efficiency House’ standard and includes a combined heat and power unit, for example.
  • Who is eligible?
    Builders of residential properties, first-time buyers of residential properties, holiday homes/apartments, etc. are not eligible.
  • NB:
    This promotional loan from the Reconstruction Loan Corporation (KfW) is only applicable until 30/06/2021. After this date, applications for promotional loans and grants from must be sent to the Federal Funding for Efficient Buildings (BEG) scheme.

Especially for housing and property companies:

  • What is subsidised?
    The initial purchase or new construction of an energy-efficient house that meets the ‘KfW Efficiency House’ standard and includes a combined heat and power unit, for example.
  • Who is eligible?
    Builders of residential properties, first-time buyers of residential properties, holiday homes/apartments, etc. are not eligible.
  • NB:
    This promotional loan from the Reconstruction Loan Corporation (KfW) is only applicable until 30/06/2021. After this date, applications for promotional loans and grants from must be sent to the Federal Funding for Efficient Buildings (BEG) scheme.

Especially for housing and property companies:

  • What is subsidised?
    The initial purchase or new construction of an energy-efficient house that meets the ‘KfW Efficiency House’ standard and includes a combined heat and power unit, for example.
  • Who is eligible?
    Builders of residential properties, first-time buyers of residential properties, holiday homes/apartments, etc. are not eligible.
  • NB:
    This promotional loan from the Reconstruction Loan Corporation (KfW) is only applicable until 30/06/2021. After this date, applications for promotional loans and grants from must be sent to the Federal Funding for Efficient Buildings (BEG) scheme.

Funding programmes of the federal states

Subsidies for combined heat and power units according to the federal states

Various other financing and subsidy options are offered for CHP units according to federal state.

You can find detailed information on each federal state and the opportunities for funding CHPs that they offer.

Ausführliche Infos zu Förderprogrammen der Bundesländer

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